Roaches are a common problem for home owners. When these cockroaches start to outnumber year after year and can no longer be eliminated, you may start to notice damage to your house, health issues, and even infestations on other households. It is most often found in kitchens, bathrooms and basements where they can breed without distress at all.
Roaches can be complicated to get rid of. If roaches infest your home, and you have them in abundance in your home or apartment and the areas such as kitchen cabinets and your bathroom, you should get rid of them fast. Roaches are sometimes called water bugs or palmetto bugs, destroying food and damaging fabrics. When they run over food, they leave filth, and they spread a variety of diseases. They hide in dark and sheltered places during the day and come out to feed at night. They can also be found around the kitchen sink, in the cracks around and under the cupboards and the cabinets, or inside.
You should make it difficult for roaches to enter the crevices by filling in the openings around the pipes and frames and the adjoining apartments from the outside. Proper sanitation will aid in roach control, and you should also take away food supplies and try to store the food in tight containers.
How do you get rid of these cockroaches?
There are many ways to get rid of roaches and to keep them away. The first thing you need to do is make sure that your home is clean, especially in areas where they are most likely to find their way in. This can be as simple as cleaning the floors and windowsills with a spray cleaner and scrubbing it down with a cloth. You should also try picking up any food or crumbs left on the floor, or take out all of the trash. There are a handful of effective remedies that will help you get rid of these nasty creatures, and the following are some methods to get rid of them-
1. Diatomaceous earth
It is an excellent and natural insecticide which is composed of fossilized algae. When the roaches come in contact with this substance, it damages their exoskeletons and dehydrates them to death. You can also purchase some food-grade DE and sprinkle a very light coating on any surface where you have noticed roach activity.
2. Baking soda
It is one of the fastest, easiest ways to get rid of roaches. You can dice a handful of onions and sprinkle them with baking soda. You can also place this appetizer in a shallow dish where you have noticed the roach activity. When these creatures consume the baking soda, it creates gasses in the stomach of the roaches, which ultimately causes them to burst and eventually die. This is one of the most effective methods to eliminate these annoying pests.
3. Boric acid
It is a naturally-occurring compound mixture of water and boron, and it appears in fruits and plants. The best part about boric acid is that it is harmless to people and pets and is deadly for roaches. When cockroaches come in contact with the solution of boric acid, it sticks to their legs and wings. They ingest the powder and act on the roach’s nervous and digestive systems. It instantly kills them. As they are eradicated, the fear of them multiplying also vanishes.
If you want to use boric acid to remove the roaches, you should sprinkle a light dusting onto paper. You can also put an orange peel in the middle of the plate. You can place the whole thing where you have noticed the roach activity. You should sprinkle boric acid in the areas where roaches roam around so that when they also walk through it sticks to them. They later ingest the boric acid, which kills them eventually. When you use boric acid, you should limit your exposure to it and avoid placing it anywhere near children or pests.
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4. Borax
It is a readily-available laundry product which is excellent for killing cockroaches. To get the best results possible, you ought to combine equal parts of borax and white table sugar. You can dust the mixture any place you have seen the roach activity. When the cockroach consumes or comes in contact with the borax, it will dehydrate and kill them instantly. It damages their exoskeletons. Thus, a thick coating of this substance will get rid of roaches overnight.
5. Citrus
It is indeed a tasty treat for humans. However, it is repellent to cockroaches, and the smell of lemons deters roaches. One can add some drops of lemon oil to the water they use to mop their floors. The scent will not be detectable to people. However, it will help you get rid of the roaches. It is very effective and affordable for the ideal home with kids and pets.
6. Insecticide spray
Getting rid of cockroaches overnight is a thing that can be accomplished by either taking on the challenge yourself, or you can either call a professional pest control exterminator. If you want to try out some methods on your own, then you should use insecticidal sprays. They kill cockroaches and repel them.
You should see that you buy high-quality, water-based sprays that are odourless. The sprays that are non-water based can stain the floors, walls as well as furniture. When you administer the spray, you should see to it that you do not inhale the spray as it can be extremely harmful when inhaled.
7. Essential oils
They are a great natural roach repellant and for best results, you can purchase peppermint or lemongrass oil. You can also mix it and use it with a bit of water. You can spray the mixture where you’ve seen the roaches.
8. Use glue traps for identifying the problem areas
This is one method that people make use of very frequently as glue traps are a very effective way to identify roach problem areas and resolve the infestations. The smell of a glue trap lures roaches in. Once they step on that strip, the glue traps them.
If you want to experience the best results, you can place store-bought glue strips in any place you have noticed the roach activity.
9. Caulk all the entry points
Glue strips as well as the bait stations can be very effective in getting rid of roaches. You can use caulk to seal gaps and all the entry points. You should also pay attention to the gaps between the walls or the gaps in doors and the window seals.
These are some ways that are most effective to get rid of cockroaches.
Roaches are creepy, dirty, annoying and dangerous little creatures. Always remember that prevention is better than cure. As a part of this process, you may require professional help as well as proper hygiene. Moreover, hygiene is very important in getting rid of roaches. It will be very difficult to overcome them if there are unhealthy or unsanitary conditions in your house or structure.
And there you have it. Many different approaches to the problem of roaches, with a few factors to consider before choosing which one is best for your situation. Good luck in your battle to free your household of these pesky pests!