Services Offered By Best Lady Doctor In Tirunelveli
The best lady doctor in Tirunelveli for normal delivery is Dr. Ashika M.S(0G), who has been practicing medicine for many years for pregnancies and women-related issues. She has a team of expert nurses who work with her and have helped her build a reputation as one of the best doctors in Tirunelveli for normal delivery.
Dr. Ashika M.S(0G) specializes in obstetrics and gynecology and offers all kinds of services related to pregnancy, childbirth, postnatal care, infertility treatments, etc as the best pregnancy doctor in Tirunelveli
Normal delivery?
Normal delivery is the most common type of delivery in childbirth. It is used when the baby’s head is facing down and the mother’s pelvis has already started to open.
This type of delivery happens when the cervix has opened enough for a baby’s head to pass through it and into the birth canal. The baby may be facing either down or up, but it usually faces down. If a woman’s cervix has not opened enough, she will need to have an artificial rupture of membranes (AROM) before she can deliver her baby this way.
The normal delivery can happen spontaneously, or it can be induced artificially with medication such as oxytocin (Pitocin).
Why normal delivery is best?
Women who have a normal delivery are more likely to have a vaginal birth, and less likely to experience any complications during pregnancy.
This section also highlights the benefits of normal delivery, such as increased maternal satisfaction, reduced risk of postpartum depression, and decreased risk of injuries.
Benefits of normal delivery
Normal delivery is the most common form of delivery in which the baby is delivered head first and the mother does not push.
-The rate of cesarean deliveries is lower for women who have a normal delivery than those who have a cesarean.
-There is less risk of injury to the baby in a normal delivery.
-Women are more likely to experience pelvic floor problems after having a cesarean than after having a normal delivery.